it has been a whirlwind of activity in the han household these days. we have been traveling (pictures to come) and haven't had much time to blog. sammy is 9 months (actually almost 10 now), and absolutely adorable. i wish i could push pause and enjoy this stage for a bit longer. he is quite the ham and continues to bring so much joy into our lives.

sammy is growing up so fast! this is what he has been up to these days...

he follows dad to work sometimes. our snl family has embraced us with open arms and sammy loves them so much!

he loves his new ride.

he is standing which means trouble!

he has learned that when he cocks his head to the side like this, his mom turns in a puddle of mush.

he gets into anything and everything.

he is learning to be a rockstar like his parents.

he got his first (bad) haircut, thanks to his grandma.

he loves feeding himself.

he loves pushing his walker around the house. this boy is going to be walking soon!

..and he loves playing with his duckies. who wouldn't? 

till next time friends!

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